Thursday, July 28, 2011

Archers of Minas Tirith (Part 1)

To start off I sprayed the models with a chaos black spray and touched up some missed areas

Next I brushed the Armor with boltgun metal
 Bows were painted using bestial brown
Cloth was done with a drybrushed Shadow grey
 the armor was then washed in A Badab Black Wash
 Shining gold was then applied to the hilts of the swords and the tips of the bows
and the first layer of skin was painted using elf flesh
Stay Tuned for more
and as always Keep on Gaming

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Morgul Knight First attempt

So this was my first attempt at painting my new Morgul Knights for the War of the Ring Battle game

 So to start off I sprayed him in a chaos black spray which I touched up with chaos black paint
 Next I drybrushed the raised areas of his cloak and the clothes in a fine layer of codex grey
 Following this was Drybrushing the metals and armours in chainmail silver while trying to leave dark patches in the armour in which shadows were supposed to be scene
 then I drybrushed the armour again with tin bitz and i think it was a bit to heavy on the metals
during this stage I also Painted the shaft of his spear with a Snakebite Leather Unfortunatly the only one i had on hand so it didnt turn out exactly right but i think it looks half decent
and then we go back to the cloth I washed that in a Brown Ink for that muddy/worn feel
Unfortunatly this piece didnt turn out exactly as i hoped so stay tuned for a second attempt later on during the week

Keep on Gaming

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Last stand of The Dragon Lords

DEPLOYMENT: Defenders set up terrain
There defences must be within 12" of the center of the board





-Total Envelopment; the attackers may deploy on any or all table edges the attackers must deploy first followed by the Defenders (note the attackers cannot change the position of his troops once the defender starts deployment)

-Final Redoubt; the Defenders are manning they're last and best-defended position all Fortifications must be deployed withing 12" of each other and connected by Defense lines

-Backs to the walls; the Defenders have no where to run and count as fearless

-Denial; the Defenders have a free Ammo Depost in any of his buildings on the map. As long as the defender has at least one man remaining he may chose to detonate the weapon store in the shoot phase. Every unit within 2D6" of the store takes D6 Strenght 8 AP 4 hits and the building is removed from play as it is destroyed uterly

-Last Seige of the war; The attackers may deploy an extra 500pts of troops at any time providing he has the models and may deploy them from any board edge

-Attackers Must Capture or destroy the Defenders Defense`s
-Draw if the Defenders Blow up they`re last remaining Bastion to avoid capture (as the Attackers may want to use it later!!)
-Defenders must beat back the Attackers


            Here me and my friends will post our Battle Reports from various battles that we take part in as well as senario's we have created or feel need more flushing out as well as pictures and painting guides for your various army's of Citadel Miniatures along with our terrain and how we've made it

Stay tuned :)